In collaboration with swissbib, lists of articles (published PDF) that can be self-archived in institutional repositories were prepared and published on this webpage. With the discontinuation of swissbib in April 2021, the full texts of the articles were transferred to and made available on the RERODOC repository, covering content for CUP up to 2015, for De Gruyter up to 2017, for Oxford up to 2016-2018, and for Springer up to 2015.
Please find more information on self-archiving of PDF in institutional repositories in this handout or contact us via:
Yearly update 2020
These lists cover the year 2015 for Springer, the year 2017 for De Gruyter and the years 2016-2018 for Oxford University Press. They were made available in October 2021. Yearly updates are bound to National Licences Moving Wall.
Institution lists
Institution | Number of Publications | Publications List |
University of Basel | 301 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Bern | 356 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Fribourg | 72 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Geneva | 309 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Lausanne | 295 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Lucerne | 9 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Neuchatel | 38 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of St-Gall | 47 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Zurich | 520 publications | Excel / .csv |
Università della Svizzera italiana | 37 publications | Excel / .csv |
EPFL | 148 publications | Excel / .csv |
ETH Zurich | 331 publications | Excel / .csv |
Research Institutes within the ETH Domain | 114 publications | Excel / .csv |
Universities of Applied Sciences (all) | 49 publications | Excel / .csv |
Generic Lists
Number of Publications | Publications List | |
All publications where an institution was matched | 2221 publications | Excel / .csv |
All publications where no institution was matched | 443 publications | Excel / .csv |
All publications where Switzerland is mentioned in the affiliations of authors | 2664 publications | Excel / .csv |
Yearly update 2019
These lists cover the year 2014 for Springer and the years 2015-2016 for De Gruyter. They were made available in May 2019. Yearly updates are bound to National Licences Moving Wall.
Institution lists
Institution | Number of Publications | Publications List |
University of Basel | 212 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Bern | 314 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Fribourg | 40 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Geneva | 196 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Lausanne | 183 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Lucerne | 13 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Neuchatel | 44 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of St-Gall | 44 publications | Excel / .csv |
University of Zurich | 437 publications | Excel / .csv |
Università della Svizzera italiana | 16 publications | Excel / .csv |
EPFL | 122 publications | Excel / .csv |
ETH Zurich | 290 publications | Excel / .csv |
Research Institutes within the ETH Domain | 113 publications | Excel / .csv |
Universities of Applied Sciences (all) | 42 publications | Excel / .csv |
Generic Lists
Number of Publications | Publications List | |
All publications where an institution was matched | 1892 publications | Excel / .csv |
All publications where no institution was matched | 436 publications | Excel / .csv |
All publications where Switzerland is mentioned in the affiliations of authors | 2328 publications | Excel / .csv |
Initial lists
These lists cover the following years :
- De Gruyter 1826-2014
- Cambridge University Press 1770-2015
- Oxford University Press 1895-2015
- Springer 1832-2013
Institution lists
Institution | Number of Publications | Publications List for De Gruyter, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press (Lists published in August 2017) | Publications List for Springer (Lists published in June 2018) | URL to OAI set |
University of Basel | 3601 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
University of Bern | 4086 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
University of Fribourg | 518 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
University of Geneva | 4297 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
University of Lausanne | 3010 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
University of Lucerne | 101 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
University of Neuchatel | 471 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
University of St-Gall | 467 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
University of Zurich | 6682 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
Università della Svizzera italiana | 225 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
EPFL | 1526 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
ETH Zurich | 4676 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
Research Institutes within the ETH Domain | 1199 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
Universities of Applied Sciences (all) | 324 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv | OAI set |
Generic Lists
Number of Publications | Publications List for De Gruyter, Oxford University Press, Cambridge Unversity Press (Lists published in August 2017) | Publications List for Springer (Lists published in June 2018) | |
All publications where an institution was matched | 27334 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv |
All publications where no institution was matched | 8988 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv |
All publications where Switzerland is mentioned in the affiliations of authors | 36322 publications | Excel / .csv | Excel / .csv |
- Don’t forget to consider the end of embargo date (column N of the lists) when importing in an institutional repository. If there is no date in the column, it means that there is no embargo anymore.
- People from inside institutions can download all publications from RERO DOC (control is done based on IP address). For People outside institutions, an embargo applies to some publications.
- In some cases, it was not possible to guess which author has which affiliation, due to incomplete publisher’s metadata, therefore the matching author is the first author of the list of authors (for example, for this publication, all authors have all affiliations)